
lallations of a labile lagomorph: once there was brownpanda who died leaving behind his mate ashley whom we called panda out of love and since is not available. . .the picture is ashley

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Breaching the physical

We have just been discussing the impact of email and handphones on our lives. What used to take days and were at the fringes of our normal lives - writing letters and using the telephone - are now accomplished in minutes, if not seconds. But the effect is that things that used to take up only a bit of your time now takes up much of your time even though they take less time to do.

All this has to do with the virtual world of the computer, of course. There was a time when we had this gloomy image of people in small dark rooms clicking away at their computer, sitting in a chair rigged with all kinds of sensory stimulants so that the computer experience is connected with all your senses. Well, Michael Crichton has just released his new book (coming out in November) about the future. . .wait for it, today:
"Could your loved one be missing some body parts? Are blondes becoming extinct? Is everyone at your dinner table of the same species? It's 2006: do you know who all your children are? Do you know humans and chimpanzees differ in only 400 genes? Do you want to design your own pet? Change the stripes on the fish in your aquarium? Or sell your eggs and sperm online for thousands of dollars? Did you know one fifth of all your genes are owned by someone else? Come to think of it, could you and your family be pursued cross country just because you happen to have certain genes in your body?

This is not just the world of the future-it's the world right now! Most of the events in this book have already happened. And the rest are just around the corner.

Get used to it. "

You know, we get so excited by the advances we make. We forget that the humble single living cell, which absorbs chemicals from its environment and grows and reproduces itself, and which then took billions of years to evolve into what we are today, is still beyond our technology. When nature rages, with tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (no, wait, even the humble forest fire), all we can do is to wait it out and run for shelter if we can.

The problem with the mind is that it can be so amazed by itself, it forgets the wonders of the physical world in which it resides. Permit me therefore to introduce to you ecological art:


  • At 7:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, the future is daunting at times and so uncertain. At least we know that we have a constant in our life, a god who never changes, the beginning and the end. So we need not fear about the future, for tomorrow will take care of itself.

    Yes, wonderment is good because it keeps us in awe and reverent towards God when we remember how great He is, and how small and insignificant we are in comparison to Him. Nowadays, as you have often said, we have lost that sense of wonder, and in a sense, lost our awe for God and His creation. After all, He is the author and perfector of our faith and without Him we can do nothing.

    As I said earlier I think, the beauty in life can be seen in the small things. We all just need to slow down and absorb all of it to appreciate it.

    Oh, lord my God when I in awesome wonder
    Consider all the worlds thy hands have made
    I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder
    Thy power throughout the universe displayed.

    Then sings my soul my savior God to thee
    How great thou art
    How great thou art

    When through the woods and forest glades I wander
    And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees
    When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur
    And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.

    Then sings my soul my savior God to thee
    How great thou art
    How great thou art

  • At 1:12 pm, Blogger brownpanda said…

    That's some very nice thoughts there, Becca. I think sharing these little joys is perhaps the best way to spread the word.


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