God and the Big Bang
There are, in the Internet, several websites that debate the issue of creation according to the Bible versus the theory of evolution (which includes the Big Bang). I don't know, but it seems to me that if you look at how the Big Bang is supposed to work, it supports the notion that there is God.
Of course, when you come down to it, there is no absolute proof of God. Actually, there is no absolute proof of anything - for example, the existence of electrons cannot be proven, even though we can experience electric shocks and so on (electricity is the movement of electrons, remember?).Consider the Big Bang, then. We do not know really what exists before the Big Bang. Was there something that can be banged, as it were? Or did the Big Bang create things (i.e. energy was converted into mass)? Or was it simply a pendulum thing - energy to mass and then mass to energy - from the Big Bang to the Big Black Hole and then back again. For the sake of argument then, let's ignore the question of what existed before the Big Bang and start just with the Big Bang. Just keep to what science is reasonably accepting as likely. The thing is, everything we have today, life on earth, the universe, all the laws of nature, etc. all unravelled from the Big Bang. God just made the Big Bang and that was it. The universe was created, the conditions evolved to create earth and then, over time, life and then you and I. God made the Big Bang and then sat back and everything else was made from that. You try it. Go bang something up and see if anything of any sense, value or even interest results.
What interests me is not that evolution disputes the theory of creationism but that the Bible had the sequence of events right - from nothing to day and night to the plants, then the fishes, then the birds, then animals and then man. In this, the Bible and the theory of evolution is in line. Note that not all theories of human evolution are in line with science - some said we were from a turtle, or some god/goddess vomitted us out, and what not. Only the Bible said that God made the earth and in this particular order.
Don't you think this is an incredible thing to do for a story that is over 5000 years old?
I look forward to the various discoveries of science that disprove (or prove) the Bible. It will help us know what to believe and what not to believe. It will also help us to understand how to read the Bible. Why are we afraid of the truth? If our God is the God of truth, then surely whatever truth we discover, we shall see the work of God in it. Let us be honest before God - that which we don't understand, let us confess our ignorance. It is far better than to attest to things we cannot possibly know.
At 8:39 pm, alchemist said…
The word of God is inerrant. But it is historically obvious that anyone can print a faulty bible and call it one. So the one thing we must believe is in Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever; and that He has the power to save. As for the rest, it all boils down to what God told Job. In summary: were you there when I started everything up?
At 11:27 pm, brownpanda said…
The phrase 'must believe' is self-contradicting. If I must believe, then it is no longer a belief. I may not be there when He started everything up but I am here now, and His acts and other signs remain to challenge us.
Science too challenges us, in terms of God. At least to me. I began my journey with God by saying that I shall seek the truth, and if He is at the end of the journey I shall believe in Him. I found Him, through Jesus, before I reached the end of my journey. So, my search continues.
At 5:39 pm, Anonymous said…
Not true. It is only self-contradictory if we say it in the active sense, as in "I must do this." It is not contradictory if we say it in the passive sense, as in "You must have done this, or this other thing would not have happened." What both of us are saying is that if we reach Him at the end of the journey, we must have believed. Or at least, that is what the Bible says about belief (John 1:12).
At 12:12 am, brownpanda said…
I am simply recording the marvels of the world He created as I journey this path. It touches me and strengthens my belief.
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