
lallations of a labile lagomorph: once there was brownpanda who died leaving behind his mate ashley whom we called panda out of love and since is not available. . .the picture is ashley

Saturday, September 09, 2006

i give you

I once loved a girl who loved another. I wrote this for her. This is dedicated to us who loved in vain:

i give you
the wrong kind of right love
repulsive intensity
nakedness frightening
cowering timidity
storms of moody passions
symptoms of a bleeding heart
i cannot love you
because i do

you give me
the right kind of wrong love
unflinching patience
concern enduringly
a sheltering calm
laughter to drive away my pain
balm from a receptive mind
you can love me
because you don't

Thank you to those who left their marks here...


  • At 3:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    heheh. o.O

    you loved not in vain, look at its product...

    ...what a womderful poem. =)


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