
lallations of a labile lagomorph: once there was brownpanda who died leaving behind his mate ashley whom we called panda out of love and since is not available. . .the picture is ashley

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The basis of your premise

The response to the previous post is well worth the price of a free lunch - even beyond the pleasure of meeting someone new, or even having lunch with an old friend. It reinforces my belief that the best argument for the existence of God is what I have called divine intelligence.

The problem of the centre of the universe, arising from the Big Bang theory, seems at first to be mindbogglingly difficult. But, take a few things into consideration, like space/time continuum, and it all falls into place. Even a child can understand it. And you cannot be but amazed. And yet, there are so many unanswered questions yet remaining. There is no end to it. You go, wow, and then, you are left scratching your head again.

Which leads me to Becca and her statements about faith, transformation and Christianity. It also has to do with the dangers of logical thinking - a common tool of the enemy. You see, God's intelligence is awesome - it is both simple and powerful. It is beautiful beyond understanding. It stirs up your soul like the way music does, or a good story, or poetry or falling in love. And it is available to all of God's creatures.

If you look at life logically, you might think: we ought to work hard, be the best we can be and always do the right thing. And you find you cannot. So, you feel guilty, and/or sorry for yourself, and you try harder. What's wrong with this logic? Nothing. Except it is not God's plan.

You see, if you believe in Christianity, then you must begin with the understanding that God loves us. And, he created this beautiful world for us to be happy in, so that we can praise him and love him in return. How can you be happy working so hard and feeling so guilty about your failures and all the fun you are having, and thinking you should be like working 25 hours a day?

If you believe in the Christian God, then begin by seeing what a wonderful world he has created. How good life is, and how you can really be happy. You don't know how to be happy? Love one another. Accept each other the way we are.

Logic tells us that if we accept each other for our faults, if we cherish our parents because they nag, and our children because they love life and hate to study, they will do all the wrong things - nag us more, and play more and study less. Right? Wrong. The reverse and wonderful thing happen. When parents find that their children are willing to listen to their nagging, they nag less and can show their love more. The time together is spent more in conversation than in quarrelling. Even if the parent continues to nag, the different response of the child will make the time spent together so much better. It will be more like listening to your parent's troubles than being scolded.

In the same way, when children are scolded less, and made to feel useless less in spite of their failures, they actually work harder and enjoy studying more. People are made the right way: they want to be successful, they want to love one another (and to be loved), and they want to do the right things. The most frequent reason why they don't is because we don't trust one another enough to let it happen.

So, what is the basis of your premise? Do you believe in God? Do you believe he is a loving God? Do you believe that he is all powerful and therefore in charge of everything? If you believe all this, then trust him, trust your deeper instincts to love and to let go, and then you will see the world in all its glory and beauty. And you will see your own transformation, from a stressed-out frustrated over-achiever to a happy, well-adjusted person who is happy just being one of God's wonderful creatures. And your days will be filled with wonder, exploring the mysteries that God has created to amaze us. You will not be lazy, but alive, eager to do good deeds and to be useful to others. You will care when others are hurt and you will do what you can to help. You will be the best you can be, if you will but let go. You will do all these things and not be tired. Your energy will be abundant and overflowing. Remember, the first command is this: Love God, and love one another. Open your eyes to first see how much God loves us.


  • At 4:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you and i,
    so cool k,
    always making
    same discovery
    same same
    but different
    at the same time
    on the same day
    maybe not by the same way
    but still // nevertheless.

    i wrote something today which i will publish soon, but not yet, because the time is not yet right, but its resonant with this -
    just like the previous time,
    21 11 06
    when i wrote
    the same thing
    in different words
    the first scraps
    of a scrap book.

    grin grin grin!
    hahaha i feel like one of those jackpot machinese that go ding! when you win in casinos

  • At 4:56 pm, Blogger beepbeepitsme said…

    RE: god belief

    God Belief - The Meme Thought Virus

  • At 1:11 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Pray to reach god.

    God loves us all.


  • At 6:03 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Maybe the issue about faith and knowledge is realising that while our faith is based on some form of knowledge, we ought to remember that we have faith in things unseen and things that we don't always understand.
    So believing that God's will works out for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, it's not logic, as you said, I still believe it's faith.

  • At 8:46 am, Blogger brownpanda said…

    Dear Becca, it is not faith that I have problems with but what is source of that faith. I worry when believers start to hear God and think that whatever it is they feel impelled to do comes from God, or that God will make miracles happen. It's not that I don't believe these things can be true, it's just that these things can also be untrue. I am more comfortable with faith in the miracle of everyday things.

    Firstly, because I think that is what Christianity is all about. And secondly, also because I am new to Christianity and so uncomfortable with magic. But, hey, I can be wrong. Which is why I blog this - to receive opposing points fo view.

    Which leads me to my next blog...


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