
lallations of a labile lagomorph: once there was brownpanda who died leaving behind his mate ashley whom we called panda out of love and since is not available. . .the picture is ashley

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

God and evil

You know, ha, this Bible, really interesting to read. Got so many stories - miracles, violence, murder, everything also got. But I tell you, God I don't understand. Really something else one.

Firstly, you got Adam and Eve, right? God tell them, "Don't eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil". I mean, if you don't want me to eat something, don't put it in the garden-lah. Crazy, right? Then send the snake to come and tempt us somemore. It's like asking a child not to jump from the cliff and then take him there to see how beautiful it is, and then leave him alone there. He going to jump or not? Surely jump. I mean, common sense what. You don't want me to do something, put it somewhere else-lah. Don't put in my face. Like, I am sure in heaven God got sit on beautiful golden throne. Of course cannot touch one, right? But in heaven, right? I am on earth. How to touch? Cannot, correct? So simple.

Or Job. Don't know why, God lets the Devil test Job. Just to bet. Hey, gambling bad, ok? First take away all his property and then kill all his children. And this is only the first test, ok. And then, not enough, put him in leprosy also. Wah, chia lat. Still not enough, send his wife and friends to test him somemore. OK, finally Job passes the test and got back more than he lost. But-hey, children already dead, ok? You think so easy to replace one child with another, meh? This God, like got no feelings one.

Got even worse things. Maybe not worse but pretty terrible also. Drown everyone in the Great Flood (except for Noah and his family and all the animals two by two). Then turn Lot's wife into a pillar of salt. Wah liao, look also cannot. Aiyah, city burning to hell and you cannot even turn around to look. Who can resist, I tell you? And then, ask Saul to kill all the children and women. Not only that even the cows and sheep, camels and donkeys, ok? And then, in Egypt, first God make the Pharoah hard hearted and then send ten plagues upon Egypt. Ten, ok? Plagues, ok? Not some small thing like common cold. Oi, Pharoah the one hard hearted, not Egyptian citizens. Why must plague everyone, I ask you?

But people are people, right? Where got perfect one? Sin all the time. So then finally, send his own son, HIS OWN SON some more, to come down and save us. So guess what happened. He get betrayed, beaten up, mocked, stabbed and hung on the cross. Crucified, ok? Nails on the hands and feet. Crown of thorns. Wah, tragic. This Jesus, when he is here, don't even have roof over his head. Not even recognised by the people he came to save. So, he come here, suffer and die. For what? To forgive our sins. Make me feel so guilty, right? My sins, punish me-lah. Why punish your own son?

Very strange, right? Adam commit sin, punish everyone. Jesus die, forgive everyone. Why not punish Adam for his sins, punish me for mine. Jesus, not guilty, no need to punish-lor. Where got meaning.

I tell you, ha, this God really something else. Sibeh tahan. So evil, right?


  • At 11:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's worse than that, you know.

    Everyone who tells me not to let kids read 'Harry Potter' books or whatever, I tell them, "The Bible has black magic, torture, incest, brutal murders, genocide, and the actual person of Satan himself; it has weird monsters, a violent and angry God, bashing out of the brains of innocent babies, and more. It even has a woman who drives a tent peg through a soldier's head. And other wonderful stuff.

    Is it any wonder that a Christian needs faith to believe that God is really good? This is a very challenging idea. Some people believe, but out of ignorance rather than faith.

  • At 7:51 am, Blogger brownpanda said…

    Yes, I know. But what this blog is about is trying to understand this very thing - that God is good. Also, the essence of love and the meaning of life. And finally, why Jesus died for us. Big issues - in which I think the conventional Christian explanations got them wrong. I may be wrong too - both in the direct sense and also in thinking that my explanation is actually different from doctrine.

    Faith is one thing. But we still need to understand. If not, how to live our lives?

    The beauty of all this is that the innocent and the non-intellectual will always get it right. God looks after them in that wonderful way. When the Christian explanation gets too difficult to understand, it is a sure sign we are on the wrong path.

  • At 8:01 am, Blogger brownpanda said…

    I mean to add, ignorance is actually better than intellectual reasoning. Much like what you were arguing re:Adam and Eve, ignorance is the state before the Fall. God loves us in our ignorance. It is our cleverness that gets us into the worst kind of trouble with God - especially since it often means we think we are right. And that is the worst thing of all: to think we are right (and even worse than worst, insist upon it) when we are wrong.

    I think this is the key to the Knowledge of Good and Evil. But I didn't know how to explain it before. Don't know if I am explaining it well now either.

    Indeed, I will even go further to say, "Acknowledge your ignorance, and you will be one step closer to God."


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